Max passed away on September 26, 2012.
Max is great with our other dog, Link, and our cats. He does like attention and does get jealous when I pay attention to Link. Max loves to bite on my hand and arm when he wants attention. We are trying to get him interested in chew toys. So far he is only interested in a few and only when I am around.
Max loves to snore. He loves to put his head right next to mine and snore in my ear all night long.
Max is currently recovering from surgery on his right front paw. We took Max to Norbeck Animal Clinic, on Dec. 9, 2010, for his first vet visit. The vet said Max was probably 9-10 years old with bad arthritis in all four legs. Most severe are his right front paw and rear left leg. The vet prescribed “Cold Laser Therapy” to help heal his incision and ease his arthritic pain.
Max’s first Laser Therapy was Friday, Dec. 10, 2010. The therapy took about 45 minutes and he did great. Max went for a total of six times. The therapy really helped Max walk better and speeded up the healing of his paw. In addition to the therapy, the vet prescribed a 7.5 mg. Meloxicam pill once a day. Both the therapy and the medication really improved Max’s mobility. You can definitely tell the difference when he goes up and down steps.
Dec. 16, 2010. Max had his first snow with us. He enjoyed running around licking the snow off the ground. We never had a dog do that before.
Max has a new love – coffee. I was having coffee one morning and Max was being a pest. I finally offered Max a sip. Max took a few sips and made all kinds of strange faces. Then he resumed drinking my coffee. Some days later I offered him black coffee. Max took a sip, looked at me, took two more sips, and looked at me like I am not drinking this coffee. He likes it the way I do, with sugar and cream.
Max is a sweet, strong headed boy who we love very much.